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The types of industrial chillers are air-cooled and water-cooled

For example, a chemical company may need an industrial process cooling system to prevent overheating of equipment, or a food manufacturer may need a cooler to store and produce food. To find an industrial chiller that suits your needs, you must understand the existing types of industrial chillers.

2022-06-13 View all

Technical requirements and suggestions for type selection of water chillers

The chiller cools and controls the temperature of the circulating medium in the chiller through the compressor, and sends it to the user's equipment through the circulating pump to take away the heat generated by the user's equipment.

2022-06-13 View all

Precision chiller and liquid turbine flowmeter

In the application of precision chillers, flow monitoring is a very important part, sometimes its importance even exceeds temperature monitoring. For the precision chiller of long flow instrument, according to the requirements of users, multi parameter measurement and control system can be selected to measure and control the temperature, pressure, flow, conductivity and other parameters of cooling water, so as to meet the precision cooling requirements of users' equipment.

2022-06-13 View all

Beijing Changliu scientific instrument LX-300 doesn't circulate

When you come across the problem that lx-300 of Beijing Changliu Scientific Instruments Co., Ltd. is broken, the following problems occur: 1. It may be that there is air inside the water pump chamber due to too fast water adding, which leads to the "idle" of the water pump. Because the water pump does not have self-priming function, it is necessary to manually discharge the air inside the water pump chamber.

2022-06-13 View all

The important function of extending the service life of laser water chiller

The laser chiller has a cooling unit which directs the cooling water to the process laser tube where heat exchange takes place to cool the laser to optimum temperature. The heated coolant is piped back to the refrigeration unit where the absorbed heat is eliminated, thereby regenerating the cooling water for a new heat exchange cycle with the laser equipment.

2022-06-08 View all

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