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PolyCold Service

The ultra-low temperature technical service department of Coolium Instruments has a number of experienced, professional and senior technical engineers and a variety of special ultra-low temperature equipment and tools to provide ultra-low temperature technical services for customers.

Common ultra-low temperature equipment are as follows: ultra-low temperature cold trap, cryogenic unit, low temperature environment test chamber, etc.

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◎ Technical service to:

Installation, relocation, transformation, repair and maintenance of polycold ultra-low temperature equipment;

Provide filling of refrigerant and refrigerant oil with various formulas, whole machine detection, leak detection and Pipeline Transformation

Maintenance service for ultra-low temperature water vapor cryochiller and cryogenic unit, providing alternative refrigerant and original accessories;

Upgrade the existing equipment of customers, improve production efficiency, stabilize product quality and reduce production costs;

Consulting, design, on-site installation and maintenance services for various cryogenic projects;

Provide on-site training of ultra-low temperature professional technology for enterprise users.

◎ Technical service for:

Brooks Polycold:PFC-1102HC,XC-8800HC,MaxCool 4000H

Telemark:TVP2000,TVP3500, 1200,1800,2400.3000,3600,4800

ShinMaywa:NeoCold RCT-762


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