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Ideal companion for vacuum operation - cold trap

A cold trap is a device placed between a vacuum chamber and a vacuum pump to condense, adsorb or capture gas.

2022-07-06 View all

-120℃ Vacuum Cold Trap for Parylene coating

Vacuum cold trap,with minimum temperature -120℃, capacity of 6kg, fast adsorption of water vapor, oil vapor, can shorten the pumpdown time about 60~90%, improve the vacuum system production capacity about 20%~100%

2022-07-06 View all

PolyCold(VaporCold)improve coating quality and quantity

During the coating process with oil diffusion pumps and turbo molecular pumps, more than 80% of the gases remaining in chamber are water vapor, oil vapor, and some high boiling point vapors.

2022-07-06 View all

Bio Company purchases 18 sets of precision chillers

With the gradual release of China's demand for biomedical research and development, the investment in the biological industry is increasing, pharmaceutical research and development has become the focus of biological companies.

2022-07-06 View all

A small chiller provides cooling water for 6 reactors

In April 2022, a small chiller LX-300 was successfully installed and tested in the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. A small water chiller can provide continuous cooling water for 6 reactors.

2022-07-06 View all

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