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Vacuum pump front cold trap (-30 ℃ ~-135 ℃)

In the process of vacuum drying and vacuum distillation, there will be a large amount of steam, and some solvents or steam need to be recovered. Therefore, it is very necessary to install a low-temperature cold trap on the vacuum pipeline. In addition, the low-temperature cold trap has a great suction effect, which will reduce the drying and distillation time.

2022-06-20 View all

Vaporcold PolyCold supporting multi-layer magnetron sputtering coating production line

Vaporcold PolyCold is equipped with multi-layer magnetron sputtering multi-layer magnetron sputtering coating, which is a vertical continuous coating equipment designed for coating on the surface of flat substrates such as glass or plastic plates and sheets.

2022-06-20 View all

Water cooled monochromator and precision water chiller

In optical precision engineering, crystal monochromator, as an important beam splitter in synchrotron radiation beam line, is widely used in Shanghai synchrotron radiation light source.

2022-06-20 View all

-100 ℃ ultra low temperature air flow scheme

Pgc-100 gas chiller ultra-low temperature air conditioner can reach a very low temperature internally, providing compact, convenient and easy-to-use ultra-low temperature air flow output to meet various ultra-low temperature applications.

2022-06-20 View all

Ideal companion for vacuum operation - cold trap

A cold trap is a device placed between a vacuum container and a vacuum pump to condense, adsorb or capture gas.

2022-06-08 View all

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